Recruitment Services
On behalf of our clients, we recruit temporary and permanent staff in the following areas:
Adult Services:
- Registered Nurses, RNLD
- Registered Mental Nurses
- Senior Carers
- Support Workers
- Health Care Assistants
- Office and Domestic Cleaners
Children Services:
- Social Workers
- Senior Social Workers
- Manager and Independent Reviewing Officer
- Family Support Workers
- Family Contact Workers
- Child Care Workers
Children & Family Contact Services
Admax staff within the family contact service have a wide range of skills and experience and have come to the service from a wide variety of different career paths in working with children and families. In response to Looked After children numbers increasing, Admax is able to supply experience staff to cover contact sessions, thus ensuring that the court directed contacts are maintained, enabling our stakeholders to undertake its ‘duty’ to promote contact under childcare legislation.
To find out more about care in the comfort of your own home, please contact us or send an email: